Get started with Payconiq GO

Welcome to Payconiq! As soon as you receive your welcome email and the Payconiq GO activation key, you can begin setting up your Payconiq payment solution.   

Getting started

You can get started as soon as you have received the emails with the following subjects: 'Welcome to Payconiq' and 'Your Payconiq GO details'.


Open the email titled "Your Payconiq GO details"

This email contains your GO activation key, which, for security reasons, can only be accessed a limited number of times. Make sure you save these details securely for future reference!


Set up a Payconiq GO profile

You can do this via the Payconiq GO app for merchants or online at


Choose a Payconiq GO username for this profile and complete the fields.

You can choose any name. A person, a location—it's up to you!


Set a password for your GO username.

You will immediately receive an email with instructions on how to set up your password.


Log in

Once logged in, print the QR code for this username and carry out a test payment.

You can set up multiple Payconiq GO usernames if you wish and will receive a separate QR code sticker for each username.

Carry out a test payment

Open the Payconiq GO app for merchants or head to

Enter the amount and confirm

Have the QR code scanned

The person who pays you confirms the payment

Your screen will instantly display the payment confirmation

Useful tips

View the Payconiq GO transaction summary

In the Payconiq GO app for merchants, users can view and export payment summaries. You can also automate this process via the Payconiq GO menu.

As the Payconiq account administrator, you can log in to the merchant portal to download a detailed overview of all Payconiq GO user payments in Excel or PDF format. Please note that the login credentials for the merchant portal are different from those for Payconiq GO.

Download the Payconiq GO app for merchants

You can download the Payconiq GO app for merchants from your preferred app store. If you're not familiar with apps or if you prefer to use Payconiq GO on a tablet or cash register screen, simply access it via This will give you access to the same features as the app.

Setting up additional Payconiq GO users

Create additional users with your Payconiq GO details by following the steps above. Each user will receive a unique username and QR code. If you'd like your employees to accept Payconiq payments via Payconiq GO without sharing login details, simply add their device under 'linked devices'.

Would you prefer customers to scan the QR code on a tablet or display?

You can choose to display your QR code on a tablet or display. This is ideal for accepting payments when you're not at the till—such as in a busy bar, out on the terrace, or on the go. This option can be selected in settings. However, please note that while the "Display QR on screen" option is active, customers won’t be able to scan your GO sticker.

Need a payment summary as a Payconiq GO user?

In the Payconiq GO app, users who are logged in can download payment summaries. You can also set up automatic daily summaries to be sent via email.

View all user transactions in the merchant portal

Managing multiple GO users? In the GO platform, it's not possible to generate a summary for all of the GO users linked to your Payconiq account. However, you can find this via the Payconiq merchant portal, where transactions are visible by user under "All transactions".

Please note that the login details for the merchant portal are different from those for Payconiq GO.

If you manage your company’s Payconiq account, you’ll have access to the merchant portal. From there, you can download a complete summary of all incoming Payconiq payments as an Excel or PDF file when you click "All transactions."

Got any questions about the Payconiq GO app for merchants?

Where can I find an overview of my GO transactions?

Professional / Payconiq GO

All transactions of the day can be found on or in the Payconiq GO app (App Store, Play Store) under "Today's GO transactions". Here, you can also see payments that were not successful.

Click 'Download GO transactions' to request an overview for a specific period. The statement will be sent in the desired format to the linked e-mail address.

You can also automate this process. You will then receive an overview at a set time every day.

Will I receive a sticker with my GO QR code?

Professional / Payconiq GO

If you choose the GO sticker solution, you can immediately download the QR code linked to your GO profile via or via the menu in the Payconiq GO app and print it yourself.

You will receive the sticker version of this code by post at the address you provided when creating your GO profile account. Please check that the address you have provided is correct/complete and that it is an address where you can receive post (e.g. is there a letterbox?). Would you like to change this address? Let us know at

Haven't received your sticker or want to order a new one? Contact us at

Can't find your sticker via the menu in or via the Payconiq GO app? Then first check whether the "Use QR code on sticker" option is activated in your settings. If this is not the case, you must first activate it (don't forget to save the changes!), after which the download button will appear in the menu.

How does Payconiq GO user management work?

Professional / Payconiq GO

How can I allow my employees to accept Payconiq payments without sharing my login credentials?

You can now use our new user management feature. Simply share a QR code or a link with your employee(s) to grant them limited access to accept payments on your behalf.

What access does the employee have?

The employee will only have access to accept payments. They won't be able to view transaction reports, link devices, change settings, or access any other features of your Payconiq GO account.

How do employees activate access?

The employee can activate access by scanning the QR code or clicking the link you provide. They can start accepting payments immediately after activation.

Can I revoke access from an employee's device?

Yes, both you and the employee can revoke or unlink the device at any time.

How long will my employee remain logged in?

Your employee will be automatically logged out after 30 days of inactivity.

How can I grant access to accept payments without sharing my login details?

Step 1: Send a request to link the device to your employee

  1. Go to ‘Linked devices’ in your Payconiq GO-account and click ‘Add device’
  2. Give the new device a name, click ‘add device’ and show the generated QR code or share the activation link via email, WhatsApp, or SMS.
  3. Ask your employee to download the Payconiq GO app
  4. After the employee's device is linked, a success message will appear, confirming the device is ready to accept payments.
  5. Via the Linked devices menu, you can revoke device access or resend the invite-links if need

Step 2: Ask your employee to follow these steps to link to your account:

  1. Download the Payconiq GO app on the device.
  2. Use the QR code or activation link to connect the device to the Payconiq GO account.
  3. Scan the QR code with the Payconiq GO app or click on the activation link.
  4. When your device is successfully linked, a confirmation message will appear
  5. You are ready to accept payments.

Everyone can pay mobile with Payconiq via these apps

Everyone can pay mobile with Payconiq via these apps

Meal vouchers

How do you let your customers know that you accept Payconiq? Read our helpful tips and download promotional materials to boost mobile payments.

Promotional material

Show customers you accept payments through Payconiq.

Merchant portal

Payconiq provides a range of options. Discover how you can easily track incoming payments, download transaction lists, and much more.