A fixed fee of 18 € per year and per Payconiq merchant account 

Since the launch of Payconiq in 2016, we have never changed the pricing for a Payconiq transaction. We want to hold on to this competitive pricing on the market for as long as possible. To keep up with increasing operational costs, we introduce a yearly operating fee. 

The operating fee of 18 € is a fixed fee per merchant account (= MerchantID). It will be invoiced to you once a year. 

In need for more details? Find out in the FAQ.

As said, the transaction cost remains unchanged. 

Want to have a detailed view of your transactions? Log in to your merchant account on the Payconiq portal. There you can check your transactions in real-time or create and download a report of transactions for a specific period.

Log in to your merchant account.

In need for more information? We listed the most common questions and answers

Why do we introduce the Payconiq operating fee?

Since the launch of Payconiq in 2016, we have never changed the pricing for a Payconiq transaction. We want to hold on to this competitive pricing on the market for as long as possible.  

The regulatory requirements are becoming more and more demanding, which generates additional operational costs. This is why we introduce a yearly operating fee. The operating fee of 18 € covers the yearly operational costs including costs for your onboarding process and the administration and management of your account on the Payconiq platform. 

What is included in the yearly invoiced operating fee of 18 €?

We have carefully assessed the pricing structure to ensure that it is fair, accessible, and aligns with the value we provide. The operating fee of 18 € per year equals to 1,5 € per month. This will cover the operational costs, including costs for administration, the maintenance and management of your merchant account on the Payconiq portal.  

We are confident that the benefits you receive will far outweigh the minimal cost associated with this fee.  

For who is this operating fee applicable?

The operating fee of 18 € will be yearly invoiced to each merchant (based on MerchantID) who activated one or more Payconiq products to receive payments from their customers. 

Does the operating fee still apply when no transactions were made?

The yearly operating fee covers the cost linked to the administration of a Payconiq account. In this way it differs from the transaction cost.  

So, even in case no transaction occurred, the operating fee still applies and will be invoiced. 

When will merchants, like you, receive the invoice of the operating fee?

The operating fee of 18 € is per merchant account and will be invoiced yearly.  

If you already have a Payconiq contract, the fee will be invoiced for the first time in April 2025, covering the period March 31st 2025 to March 30th 2026. From then on, the operating fee will be invoiced yearly in April. 

If you are a new Payconiq merchant, the operating fee will be invoiced for the first time on the month following on when your Payconiq contract was activated. From then on, the operating fee will be invoiced yearly in that month. 

Will the transaction cost be increased as well?

The transaction cost remains unchanged and will be invoiced to you monthly, also this remains unchanged. 

What if you are a business / association with more than one Merchant ID?

The operating fee will be invoiced to businesses based on the Merchant ID, since the operational costs are also linked per Merchant ID.  

If you have multiple Merchant IDs due to multiple accesses to the merchant portal, different bank accounts, … for each of these Merchant IDs IDs you will receive an invoice.  

What to do in case you disagree with the operation fee?

Our support team is here for you to answer your questions. Get in contact with them via the form below. Select the option ‘questions’ and type your question(s). 

In case you do not accept paying the operating fee, you can terminate your merchant contract at no cost until March 27th 2025 (i.e., before the operating fee enters into force) by filling out the form below. Select the option ‘end my contract’. In this specific situation, only termination requests that are entered via this contact form will be taken in account. 

Note that your contract will be closed within 2 weeks. You will no longer be able to receive payments via Payconiq as of then.  

Terminate your merchant contract

Fill out the form if you no longer want to accept payments via Payconiq 

To terminate your Payconiq contract, please fill out all the required fields below. Note that your contract will be closed within 2 weeks after submission of the form. You will no longer be able to receive payments via Payconiq as of then.