I received an error message when I went to sign my contract
If you see an error message when opening the signature link, this is often due to the format of the documents you uploaded filling out the form.
Before going through the contract process a second time, we recommend printing ALL your documents to PDF first (even if they are already in PDF format). This will remove all - often invisible - settings that might prevent you from sharing your PDF document. Click HERE to find out how to print a document to PDF.
Once you have completed this step, please upload ONLY the newly created file to the form.
Other FAQs
- Payconiq solution
- My Payconiq payouts
- Managing my merchant account
- Payconiq solutions for merchants
- Request a Merchant contract
- Get going with the Merchant Portal
- My Payconiq invoice
About meal vouchers via Payconiq
- How do Payconiq meal vouchers work for customers?
- How can you activate or ask payments with meal vouchers via Payconiq?
- How is a ‘combined’ transaction involving meal vouchers and Payconiq paid out?
- Meal voucher payments are missing from my payment statement.
- How can I track my ‘combined’ meal vouchers and Payconiq transactions?
Operating fee
- What is included in the yearly invoiced operating fee of 18 €?
- I have multiple Payconiq Merchant accounts (Merchant IDs) for my business. How can I merge these accounts?
- Who does the operating fee apply to?
- Does the operation fee still apply when no transaction has been made?
- Is VAT included in the annual operating fee invoice of € 18?
- Payconiq GO